Saturday, July 7, 2012

why you won't see my poems up here

It's not breaking format if the form is still being molded, right?  Today's paragraph brought to you by bullet points:
  • While I like the idea of putting myself out there on the internet, I'm not trying to have things stolen/taken out of context/anything else that could go terribly wrong.  (In retrospect, this statement is based on the narcissistic assumption that I'd write something worth stealing, but I'm keeping it up here because this sentiment is an honest gut instinct.  Note on this note, the blog as a writing form has enough risk of narcissism anyway when written first person, so it still might be good to not put my writing out there like that.)
  • The purpose of this isn't to show I'm writing everyday.  I joined a blog like that once.  It was called 365/365 and I was one of many writers trying to write a draft a day.  I've got mad respect for that sentiment and got a lot out of it, but by the time I was about 300 deep writing felt like a chore.  I was just scraping by to write the draft of the day and it only felt like an exercise.  Imagine training for a sport every day for a year but never really playing the game, and being too busy with daily practices to join when your friend calls for a pick up.  Yeah.  I know I can stay in that shape but I want to work a little bigger view than the daily draft.
  • But then what is the purpose of this?  I think I answered that the first day, though I know my answer will change as this blog continues.  Writing about writing keeps me thinking about writing, and therefore hopefully writing, but allows my process to be a bit more organic and big picture when I want to be.
  • Again, wanting to start conversations.  So if you see something you agree with, disagree with, want to add to, or whatever, please, join the conversation.
Much love,

Tomorrow: God, daily practices can be annoying (a post about biking that's also mainly about writing)
Day After Tomorrow: on Adrienne Rich and Punk Rock
The Day After The Day After Tomorrow: "So you like poetry.  Who's your favorite poet?"

1 comment:

  1. blogging is all fun and games until you start posting cat videos.
    p.s. bullet points are fun.
    p.p.s i never imagine myself doing exercise or training for a sport. ever.
