Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Prometheus Returns to My Life

So there's something about this show, maybe the myth, maybe my creative process around solo performance, I don't know, but there's something about it that makes me have to work in spurts.  This is a character I have been playing with/exploring for nearly four years now.  The rough draft of the majority of the show I wrote in a week.  And then I spent a weekend a week or two later writing the last monologue, which runs about 15 minutes long.  In between I just kind of let ideas grow and read what I could.  Well, here's to trying work that spark into a flame again.  24 hours.  All my waking work has to somehow relate to this.  Maybe I read different versions of myths.  Maybe I play around with lists of archetypes.  Maybe I work professionally on my cv to get those shows.  To be continued.

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