Monday, February 24, 2014

Some Advantages of Getting Up Early

So, two things people who know me might not know about me.  I choose to be a morning person when I can.  I am also 50% very heavy introvert who extremely values time alone with open space.  The reason I think these facts may surprise people a bit is because, well, if you've met me you'll likely see me as high energy, social, and this might happen at any time of the day.  Also worth noting that my work is usually done from home or area cafes and libraries.

So why early mornings?  Variety of reasons, in no conscious order:
  1. Waking up while the sun wakes up.  There is something very connecting to the world beyond you that happens with that sensation.  (Wow, that sounded more hippy than I expected.)
  2. Getting my emails out before people are awake/working means I can work through a bunch, stay in that zone, and then close email for a few hours, and do another wave of responses later.
  3. Anything feels possible.  I have energy.  I have coffee.  I have space.  I have things I could be doing.  It's a nice blend of urgency, but also possibility, like to stop and write a blog post for ten minutes like I'm doing now, and to do my laundry like I did at intervals this morning.
  4. The world is mine.  People aren't moving.  There aren't distractions.  This is very clearly time that I chose for myself, which in a world ruled by deadlines and "supposed to do," is a form of self liberation.
  5. Sun light.  Sun light is great.  When I was a kid I preferred to play inside and create arts and crafts and draw and such.  I still love creating.  I just want to feel the sunlight while I do it.
  6. The feel of a head start.  Hearing the neighbors come down the stairs when I've been up for four hours... well it makes me feel a wee bit bad ass.
  7. When I don't have other work to do, it is gorgeous for my writing process.  Great balance of semi-fugue state, dark roast, and possibility... but that's a whole other blog post.
Take Care,
Jason Henry Simon-Bierenbaum

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